4 Questions to Ask About Your Team Leadership

A team is a group of individuals called together to accomplish some goal mutually agreed upon. High functioning teams accomplish goals efficiently but also engage in connection together so that they enjoy one another’s efforts along the journey together. We say “we are better together” which embodies both goal accomplishment and team cohesion.

The New Testament is filled with examples of how the Lord embraces teamwork and calls His followers together to engage one another and to engage the surrounding community with the gospel. Think Great Commandment and Great Commission. I am challenged by the reality of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three work together to accomplish a goal and done in such a way that each member of the Godhead honors the other. Jesus made it clear in His priestly prayer for His disciples that they should function like the Trinity.

John 17:21 “that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Under the Godhead we are to live out unity, oneness, and togetherness in such a way that it speaks of a greater good—namely the love of God on display in Jesus. Oh, that we would function like that as teams in our churches.

Ask yourself the following questions to self-assess the leadership of your staff team, your board team, and your congregation.

·      Do you have a common goal that you are working toward and is everyone accepting of that goal?

·      Does each member of the team have a real and significant part to play on the team?

·      How is your ego challenged to be humble in your team honoring and empowering others?

·      Does your leadership empower and deploy or are you more inclined toward central control?

Consider reading a few books on biblical team cohesion.

Recommended Reading

Teams That Thrive by Hartwig and Bird
Leading the Team Based Church, by George Cladis


Pastor Timothy Keller Passes Away


February 2023